Category Archives: Green SMoothie

Superfoods on a Mission

I am so proud to announce my latest project SUPERFOODS ON A MISSION. SFOAM’s mission is to bring nutrient dense food to those who need it most and subsequently educate others in the process.

It is our intention to receive donations of SUPERFOODS from various manufacturers of only the highest sources along with monetary donations and grants to be used for purchasing these foods and operating the organization.

Mission #1 is underway with donations from Victoria Boutenko and Passion For Life Nutrition (Mama Chelsea’s). Victoria personally donated several copies of her Green for Life Books and PFL donated several packages of their best selling RawGranola, which includes goji berries and cacao. Also included in the First Mission are GoPals nori snacks and Odwalla Superfood Bars, Spirulina & Wheatgrass.

Since this first mission wasn’t planned and needed to happen in a rush, the non profit is not yet officially running but it is expected to be up and going in the next 45 days.

This first batch of Educational materials and SUPERFOODS is making its way to Iraq for a team of 5 soldiers who are serving though the Holidays. Although SFOAM doesn’t support the war, we do support the need for everyone to benefit from the nutrition and healing power of SUPERFOODS.

We believe good health, fresh water and education should be available to all. Our current target is those serving in the military and those with weakened immune systems, or lacking food. We request that you participate with us in spreading the word and helping those in need.




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15 Green Smoothies

Here’s why I love the Boutenko’s. It couldn’t be an easier than this to get your greens in.


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July Raw Food Challenge

With the summer months heating up and making me feel so much better, I’m very motivated to get back to my Raw Routine. I lost my game this past winter but have taken on new life with the help of our friend the Sun, Green Drinks and exercise.

I have a sense of renewed motivation with my reaction to the scale last week along with the decline of Dad’s Health.

Some of you may remember he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in late 2009. He’s a great man, but very set in his ways and continues to be stubborn about his intake of whole foods. Of course it’s not just him, but my mother is the one who prepares the meals and even though I don’t like to point fingers I must say that it’s not that hard to “hide” the veggies in the food you make. In fact, I have found it really easy to incorporate tons of fruit and veggies in ways that my kids eat it with no problem.

It’s not all good. I have had my share of trial and error recipes with the Raw Food uncookbooks and my discerning family’s palate, but I’m not asking my dad to try elaborate raw meals. What I want here is WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION. You know…like what grows…can be picked….doesn’t have to be prepared much if at all. At the very least buying a bag of spinach and freeze it then blend up a handful with some frozen fruit. To me it’s simple. I know it’s not a cure but when you have almost zero fruits and vegetables daily, your energy, clarity and function shut down. In his case it’s worse because he is on medication that is causing severe side effects and he really needs all the help he can get. In the last 2 weeks, he has fallen and rushed to the Emergency room receiving a total of 10 stitches in his face. The falling is absolutely tragic to witness and humiliating and painful for him to endure. He is reluctantly now using a cane after much urging. His brain isn’t communicating with his limbs and so he begins to fall and with his arms by his sides he can not react to the fall until after it happens. So, with it progressing so quickly I really want to help any way I can aside from buying him a football helmet to wear ☺

Since I am still learning about how to help, I would love to hear any advice you may have for this journey. In the meantime, my Raw Food Challenge will last until the end of July. Who’s joining me?



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Brain Fog…Just say NO!

Is your head in the clouds…or could it be more of a FOG? He’s what I know for sure. When my intake of food shifts from the Standard American Diet to RAW, my body begins to detoxify and my mind fog begins to clear.

Since we live in a world of toxins, it’s normal to encounter the fog often without even realizing it. For me, since I’m usually between 70-80% raw, I really notice a big difference in my clarity. The higher raw, the more clear I am able to think. Thank goodness there is a cure for brain fog that doesn’t include a dose of pills. If I add in more greens and wheatgrass, it speeds up the process even more. I also know that if this happens in wintertime, my winter blues will fade away, which lead me to believe that processed foods are depressing. They make me fat and my mind goes to this foggy place. Depending on what I eat, even if only on occasion, I get really sleepy immediately after eating. The odd thing is that it’s hard to remember that bad things happen when eating processed foods especially when our senses are heightened with the aroma of pizza, bread, or apple pie.  It’s like being in a comatose state. I know because I’ve been there and it sucks. The after effects and repercussion of eating the SAD way have a terrible back-handed result for me and for many others.

Significant improvement in brain function is a common side effect of proper nutrition.

The brain requires many nutrients, including vitamins, minerals, a range of amino acids, essential fatty acids, antioxidants, and other nutrients. Among the most important nutrients are calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, L-glutamine, L-taurine, choline, thiamine, B6, B12 and other B vitamins. B-vitamin deficiency is known to cause confusion, irritability, stupor, and even death.

Don’t punish yourself and think you can’t beat it. It’s a process that may take some time to work through. It happens to everyone who tries to make significant changes in their lives and change is hard, but so worth it. Just think about how much you can save in health insurance is you instead focus on your health right now and are consciously balancing your life with PREVENTATIVE care for your body. That’s what I practice by eating Raw, Living foods. I care about my future health, and I care about yours as well. Today I see so many seniors using their social security checks to pay for their bags of medications and I just want to cry, and then show them how to make green smoothies. Seriously, we can learn a lot from our elders. In this case, it would be a lesson in what not to do. PREVENT disease now, so you can have a brighter future that doesn’t rely on pills that cause other issues for your health. Ok, I can hear some of you screaming…”some people need meds”, yes I agree, but many do not need the add on drugs prescribed.

When there is a problem, does the doc give a pill, or an organic menu enhanced with a protocol to resolve the underlying problem? This debate can go on forever, but I just witnessed my own father taking meds that had side effects and the doc gave him yet another pill for that symptom when I know it can be fixed with better nutrition. He’s a stuborn guy who is very set in his ways, so I encourage him as much as he allows me to with better health ideas.

Anyone experiencing brain fog can begin by improving diet and lifestyle. Eliminate junk food, sugared foods, and highly processed foods. Reduce, or preferably, eliminate wheat, dairy, and other foods that may be causing allergic reactions. Rather than soda pop, coffee, or juice drink a minimum of 8 glasses of good water every day and add in some lemon to help out the detoxifying process.

EAT REAL FOOD and watch the miracles in your life and your health.



Dextoxing with Raw Foods and Colon Hydrotherapy

Once you’ve spent any amount of time diving into improving your health, eventually you’ll realize that no matter what you put into your body, it all needs to come out as well.

A really good cleanse does a body good. I always do an annual cleanse almost like a spring cleaning but for my body. I love the way I feel so light after a cleanse. Last year I did several cleanses over a period of months that worked for certain parts of my body. I began with a liver cleanse that lasted for 2 weeks, then moved on to a heavy metal cleanse, kidney, gallbladder, lymph and colon. My thought on the order of the cleanse made sense to me at the time, but I began with the liver and ended with it as well since I knew I would be flushing it with more toxins as the cleanse continued for other parts of the body. I thought maybe if I did the liver first, it would be able to process out the series of toxins to follow easier.

I’m about to begin a new cleanse and this time, I am considering a good whole body cleanse, but my main intention is to cleanse and build my digestion in a way that will benefit me for a longer period of time. Naturally Raw Foods assists in cleansing the body from toxins. It’s high fiber content and enzymes act as a broom to sweep away toxins. I feel the need to help it further along, so I will also be going to see a Certified Colon Hydrotherapist. I had a great once back in Valencia, CA but since I’m in Oregon now, I’ll have to do some homework on the local hydrotherapists and get a good referral ahead of time. DO NOT go to a therapist who isn’t certified in some manner for this process. If you haven’t been before, it can be a little intimidating and it’s nice to have someone with a good bedside manner who has the experience to back it up.

I’ve also heard about the coffee enema but haven’t tried it yet. Why not wheatgrass or spirulina? Just wondering why of all things a coffee enema? Guess I have some research to do.

I’ve been asked a lot about the Master Cleanse. I have friends who swear by it and certainly loose weight and toxins with the plan, but I personally haven’t been able to stick to it for more than a couple of days. Some people are more focused than me and can totally handle it. I prefer to cleanse a little daily as well with lots of lemon juice and I add cayenne to my water during winter months.

Here’s a handy tip for you. Last winter I had a nagging cough in the middle of the night and I was able to relieve it only with some liquid cayenne in warm water. I gargled then swallowed the water and it went away. It also warmed me up a bit. I get my liquid cayenne from HerbFarm. It’s available at most natural food stores. I love to use it in sauces also because it can blend easier than the powder but you have to be careful with how much you use since it’s so potent.

That’s it about the cleanse so…bottoms up!



Sprouting Seeds

There are many different seeds you can sprout. Pick the ones you love and begin to play with your living food. The health benefits are tremendous when you eat sprouts of all kinds. I like to sprout sunflower seeds and lentils. After drying them out, I sprinkle with my favorite seasoning so I can snack on them throughout the day.

Directions to Sprout Sunflower Seeds
Here are the basic steps to sprout sunflower seeds.

Purchase sunflower seeds for sprouting: To make sunflower seed sprouts, you must start with organic, hulled sunflower seeds. The kind you can buy at the grocery store are usually roasted and salted or at the least, just roasted, which kills the enzymes inside the sprout, making them unable to grow. There are plenty of sources for sunflower seeds: Health food stores, grocery chains such as Whole Foods Markets and Fresh Fields, and online sources such as Sprout People.
Cull the bad seeds: After purchasing the seeds, go through the seeds and remove any that are discolored or look funny. Rinse the seeds under cool water. It may be helpful to place the seeds in a fine mesh strainer, rinse, then pour them into your bowl or sprouting jar.
Find a sprouting bowl or jar: Sunflower seeds sprouts can be sprouted in a plain ceramic or glass bowl, or you can use a Mason jar or sprouting jar. Because they soak rather than sprout, you will only need to keep them in water for a few hours before they’re ready to eat.
Pour about 1 cup of seeds into the bowl. If you think that will make too much for you to eat, reduce the amounts but keep the proportion of 1 to 3 (1 portion of seeds to 3 portions of water).
Add 3 cups of cool water.
Soak for two hours.
Drain the water.
Rinse with cool water
Enjoy…they’re ready to eat!
Sunflower seed sprouts should never develop leaves or roots. Look for sprouts that just have a bit peeking out from the seeds. That’s a sign of a good, wholesome, nutritious sprout.

If you must, you can store sunflower seed sprouts for a few days but they don’t store well. The secret to longer storage is to pat them dry and store them in a cool spot in the fridge. Cover the glass bowl or jar or pour the sprouts into a plastic bag to store them.



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Raw Thanksgiving

As I plan my Thanksgiving Menu, I am reminded about the choices that we all make and the way a habit can so deeply become engrained into our daily lives.

In a family of four, I am the only one who has really embraced the power of a raw food lifestyle. Although I vary in the degree of raw % on a daily basis, my intent is clear to incorporate cleaner food choices for myself and my family into everything that I make. Since we are having company this holiday, and they each have very traditional SAD diets, I have decided to gently present RAW choices that are delicious and simple so everyone can enjoy the benefits without feeling the pressure of eating what the hostess prepares even if they don’t like it. That’s really the joy of Raw preparation. Pretty much everyone likes the ingredients, but they have never tried them together in a dish that hasn’t been cooked. For example, cooked carrots,peas and beans. Many people eat them cooked, but haven’t had the pleasure of a fresh sweet crunchy pea. Make selections this holiday that will showcase the simplicity of Raw and give your company a suprise with the new twist on traditional dishes, or add in a new dish like Matt Amsden’s cauliflower couscous, or fresh cranberry salad.

Tell me about your Raw Thanksgiving Menu.



Raw Food Menu Week 1

I thought I’d give you an idea of what my first few days at High Raw looked like.

Day 1

Smoothie: spinach, coconut water, banana, kelp

Snack in the car: almonds & goji berries

Lunch: veggie burger on veggie bread (I prepared and dehydrated the night before) w/ lettuce, raw mustard and raw ketchup

Snack: squash chips, flax crackers, 1 apple

Dinner: I really wasn’t hungry, but I had a small salad and 1/2 cup of a smoothie.

Day 2

I juiced ginger/cucumber & 2 carrots then added a frozen banana, spinach and maca to make a delicious smoothie

Snack: almonds & lemon water

Lunch: small salad w/ veggie burber

Snack: 2 vanilla macroons (I made the night before) & 1 small banana

Dinner: squash spaghetti w/ tomato garlic sauce

Day 3

I woke up late so I took a small salad to eat on the way to work

Lunch: veggie burger/veggie bread/lettuce/tomato

Snack: smoothie ~ blueberries/banana/horsetail/maca/dates & juice pulp from day 2 am drink

cayenne flax crackers

just before dinner: almond bar (I made day prior)

walk in the park

Dinner: Jicama/lime nori wrap

I really got hooked on the veggie burgers. They were so filling and nutrient dense that it gave me a ton of energy and kept me full.


30 Day Raw Challenge Update

Well, this is day 6 of my 30 days at high raw of 100%.

I’m feeling great and my digestion is getting better too. Yesterday I was really tired. That was a combination of lack of sleep and detoxing I’ve been enjoying a wide array of raw dishes and trying new recipies each day.

I can’t wait to test what’s in the dehydrator as I plan my week ahead. There are so many great dishes to make. If you have one you’d like to submit, I will post it on RawMa’s Blog



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Back Pain and Raw Food

I  was recently feeling very strong and ready to take on the world when I ventured back to California to clean up our home once the renters moved out. I was pretty shocked to see the condition. I don’t know why I expected it to be the way I left it. Nonetheless, after I spent 2 days cleaning, wiping out cupboards, walls and sorting through the remaining items left at the house, I realized that the bedroom walls couldn’t be cleaned enough to satisfy a new tenant.

Keep in mind that I had driven for 11 hours prior to arriving at the house, and I only brought enough raw food for the first day. I made some nice raw selections the day after I arrived and thought I would simply make daily purchases for food to keep it simple.

I was feeling very tired by the third day and my body ached from sleeping on the air bed. Needless to say my body was getting ready to rebel. I could feel it coming, but pushed through in order to get the house done. We had decided to drive the truck so we could pick up the rest of our items we had left with the home as a semi-furnished rental. We had been told the home was professionally cleaned, so we were expecting a better situation than what we walked into. I was secretly planning reunions with my friends for the weekend, to be squeezed in between the repair work. My bad!

By the time we started painting the bedrooms, I was fatigued and really missing my green smoothies. If I had a blender with me, I could have made it work, but I was running on adrenaline and some grapes because once I started, I didn’t want to take a break. I knew we had limited time to get it all done, so once again I pushed on.

I felt it coming as I bent over to roll the paint on the wall, then it happened…snap. My lower back snapped and made me fall to the ground in pain. I held the roller up high enough to not touch the floor, but it was over. The effects of the stress and lack of normal routine and self care over these four days took their toll on my body. On the way back home, I had to ride in the back seat of the truck with my back flat on the seat. We got back last Wednesday and I am still feeling this deep intense pain, but am finally able to sit upright.

The moral to my story is to above all else, whenever possible PLAN AHEAD so you don’t get caught off guard by unexpected events…aka LIFE. I care about you. I care about me, but sometimes our decisions aren’t always the best when we are feeling under pressure. Take care if yourself. No one else will.



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