Tag Archives: ache

Back Pain and Raw Food

I  was recently feeling very strong and ready to take on the world when I ventured back to California to clean up our home once the renters moved out. I was pretty shocked to see the condition. I don’t know why I expected it to be the way I left it. Nonetheless, after I spent 2 days cleaning, wiping out cupboards, walls and sorting through the remaining items left at the house, I realized that the bedroom walls couldn’t be cleaned enough to satisfy a new tenant.

Keep in mind that I had driven for 11 hours prior to arriving at the house, and I only brought enough raw food for the first day. I made some nice raw selections the day after I arrived and thought I would simply make daily purchases for food to keep it simple.

I was feeling very tired by the third day and my body ached from sleeping on the air bed. Needless to say my body was getting ready to rebel. I could feel it coming, but pushed through in order to get the house done. We had decided to drive the truck so we could pick up the rest of our items we had left with the home as a semi-furnished rental. We had been told the home was professionally cleaned, so we were expecting a better situation than what we walked into. I was secretly planning reunions with my friends for the weekend, to be squeezed in between the repair work. My bad!

By the time we started painting the bedrooms, I was fatigued and really missing my green smoothies. If I had a blender with me, I could have made it work, but I was running on adrenaline and some grapes because once I started, I didn’t want to take a break. I knew we had limited time to get it all done, so once again I pushed on.

I felt it coming as I bent over to roll the paint on the wall, then it happened…snap. My lower back snapped and made me fall to the ground in pain. I held the roller up high enough to not touch the floor, but it was over. The effects of the stress and lack of normal routine and self care over these four days took their toll on my body. On the way back home, I had to ride in the back seat of the truck with my back flat on the seat. We got back last Wednesday and I am still feeling this deep intense pain, but am finally able to sit upright.

The moral to my story is to above all else, whenever possible PLAN AHEAD so you don’t get caught off guard by unexpected events…aka LIFE. I care about you. I care about me, but sometimes our decisions aren’t always the best when we are feeling under pressure. Take care if yourself. No one else will.



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