July Raw Food Challenge

10 Jul

With the summer months heating up and making me feel so much better, I’m very motivated to get back to my Raw Routine. I lost my game this past winter but have taken on new life with the help of our friend the Sun, Green Drinks and exercise.

I have a sense of renewed motivation with my reaction to the scale last week along with the decline of Dad’s Health.

Some of you may remember he was diagnosed with Parkinson’s in late 2009. He’s a great man, but very set in his ways and continues to be stubborn about his intake of whole foods. Of course it’s not just him, but my mother is the one who prepares the meals and even though I don’t like to point fingers I must say that it’s not that hard to “hide” the veggies in the food you make. In fact, I have found it really easy to incorporate tons of fruit and veggies in ways that my kids eat it with no problem.

It’s not all good. I have had my share of trial and error recipes with the Raw Food uncookbooks and my discerning family’s palate, but I’m not asking my dad to try elaborate raw meals. What I want here is WHOLE FOOD NUTRITION. You know…like what grows…can be picked….doesn’t have to be prepared much if at all. At the very least buying a bag of spinach and freeze it then blend up a handful with some frozen fruit. To me it’s simple. I know it’s not a cure but when you have almost zero fruits and vegetables daily, your energy, clarity and function shut down. In his case it’s worse because he is on medication that is causing severe side effects and he really needs all the help he can get. In the last 2 weeks, he has fallen and rushed to the Emergency room receiving a total of 10 stitches in his face. The falling is absolutely tragic to witness and humiliating and painful for him to endure. He is reluctantly now using a cane after much urging. His brain isn’t communicating with his limbs and so he begins to fall and with his arms by his sides he can not react to the fall until after it happens. So, with it progressing so quickly I really want to help any way I can aside from buying him a football helmet to wear ☺

Since I am still learning about how to help, I would love to hear any advice you may have for this journey. In the meantime, my Raw Food Challenge will last until the end of July. Who’s joining me?



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