Category Archives: Juicer

What Color is your Carrot?

It’s fascinating to learn about the heritage of food and how it’s changed, evolved and sometimes dimished based on appearance. Making changes to your diet can be as simple as the carrot that you eat. Growing up on the West Coast, all I’ve ever known was the simple Orange Carrot. Little to my surprise, there is a whole new world waiting to be explored. I’ve heard you should eat the rainbow, so when I look for veggies, I always pick bright vibrant “real” colored food. Of course I try to buy local, but I may have to venture out to find my latest food crush….THE PURPLE CARROT

Being an Artist, I have an eye for beauty and from afar, this sexy  beast is sending me signals to come hither. I recently read about it’s startling nutritional density and outrageous antioxidant properties.

An Australian study has shown that Purple Carrots  are high in anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. They are supposed to be the original carrots, from ancient Persia.

Compared with orange carrots, purple carrots have up to 28 times more anthocyanins – the antioxidant that creates the purple-red pigment in blueberries and raspberries, among other foods. Most people don’t know why we need antioxidants. We need them to fight off the free radicals that cause us so much damage. It’s a toxic world we live in, so eat your carrots! I’m planning on ordering seed packets today even though I’m a little late to start them in  garden.

Here are some spots for you to order your Purple Carrots from.

~ RawMa


The great Juicer Debate

Since one of the internal pieces broke on my Jack LaLane Juicer, I’ve been using the Vita Mix every day to get my juicy life moving. I love the Vita Mix, but when I use the juicer, the drinks are so smoothe and I drink more. I miss my juicer, so I’m comparing notes so I can purchase a new one. Yes, I have designated juicer money. I LOVE treating myself with new kitchen gadgets, but really I only need a couple of things to really enjoy it. I haven’t been in the market for a while, so I’ll have to spend some time evaluating this so I get the most for the money. I had my last juicer for two years and used it almost daily. I think I spent around $100 for it, so I’d like to upgrade the juicer but not the price. I’ll get back to you with my findings, but in the meantime, let me know which juicer you prefer.



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