Category Archives: Alzheimers

Raising money for a VitaMix

I have been on the raw path for 6 months and have made it this far without the Cadillac of all blenders. I can’t go on like this forever, so I decided to work on raising funds for my dream machine. All these months, I’ve been working with a super tiny food processor and personal blender that has no seal around it (I have to use saran wrap before twisting on the base so it doesn’t leak – pathetic). It’s no wonder I was so excited about the dehydrator. This time, it’s gonna really take some work to bring in the $499 needed for this wonderous kitchen appliance.

Here is where I need your help. I need useful practical ideas to raise these funds. No, I can’t get yet another job. Geez, there are only so many hours in a day! I want this to be a creative fundraising effort with Out-Of-The-Box thinking. Help me out here. I’m open to suggestions.



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Ummm. It smells so good. I can’t wait to get out of bed and start my day with a nice cup of coffee over the morning paper. I know it’s a way of life for many, and I used to be one of them.

Aside from the terrible taste it leaves in your mouth and ..on your breath, it has some negative effects on your body as well.

Most already know that caffeine is a stimulant to the central nervous system. Did you also know that it acts as a mild diuretic, may increase calcium and magnesium loss through urine and regular use of caffeine does cause mild physical dependence?

Ok, we all need a fix sometime, but the dependancy of this little “habit” may cause you more harm than good. Aside from the health matters, just look at the cost factor alone. But if the rising prices don’t scare you, consider this:

If you stop taking caffeine abruptly, you may have symptoms for a day or more, especially if you consume two or more cups of coffee a day. Symptoms of withdrawal from caffeine include: headache, fatigue, anxiety, irritability, depressed mood, difficulty concentrating and overall jitters.

I suggest you cut your intake to 1/2 cup asap and get control over this habit that can lead to bigger issues. If you study the body PH recommended levels, you will find that the body PH should he at 7.3
Since coffee is acidic, why start your day with acid? In order to cancel out the acid, you need to have 10 alkaline choices. In other words, create a healthy balance for your body and put much less acid into it. If you can acheive a balance of being in a higher alkaline state, you will find many of your health problems leaving. Watch your intake and make healthy choices.



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Sugar, ah honey honey

Honey, ah sugar sugar
You are my candy girl
And you got me wanting you.

Just like the song, this seemed to be my personal Mantra for many years until I found the bliss of Raw Living Foods.

Are you ADDICTED to Sugar? Will someone PLEASE tell me why Sugar is not illegal or classified as a narcotic. Are you kidding me! People are being slowly killed by this stuff every day. Go ahead and call me crazy, but have you seen the link to Alzheimers, Obesity, and ADHD among a host of others. It doesn’t matter if it’s Bleached White Cane Sugar, or Agave. Your body does not need this much sugar. What happens when you eat it? It’s like a DRUG and you want more don’t you? Ok, so what can you do about it – look for a lower glycemic sweetener. I like Yacon and Lucuma. Both come in either a powder or syrup form. Yacon Syrup has about 1g of sugar in a Tbsp and Lucuma has 2g in a Tbsp VS. Dare I say it…..AGAVE has 16g of sugar in one Tbsp! I bet you didn’t know that. I didn’t pay attention for a long time either and I am a total sugar aholic, so I rationalized…it’s natural…it’s raw, but the fact is that it’s not the best for me. Many of the recipes I use do call for Agave. I like to use less than called for, or substitute with the Lucuma or Yacon and there’s always Raw Honey for smoothies. Keep you brain and waistine in check and make smarter choices. That’s all I’m sayin’.

~ RawMa


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