30 Day 100% Raw Challenge

04 Sep

Well, after many months of 80% raw, I was feeling the need for a body cleanse. The best way to clean out your system is to go hard core 100% raw. In order to get the full benefits and feel the bliss of the raw living vegan food lifestyle, you have to just do it…for a minimum of 30 days. You will be glowing in no time at all.
I hope you join me in this adventure. I officially started Sept. 1st, so I am on day 4 and it’s a breeze so far. The key to make this work for you is a little forethought and minimum prep work.

I’ll be posting my daily food diary so you can get an idea of how I’m making it work. I’m enjoying seeing people’s response to what I’m eating. Once I share a tried and true treat with them, they really get interested.

There is still a huge misconception of what “Raw” actually means. It doesn’t sound that appealing, especially if someone doesn’t know you that well. They may assume you eat raw meat. I’m personally a raw vegan at best, but mostly raw vegitarian. I know my body doesn’t do well with dairy, but my mind struggles with cheese. This 30 day cleanse has already brought me amazing clarity, courage, confidence and better outlook on my day. I can’t encourage you enough to give it a shot. If you’re new to this, don’t be affraid. You can do it.


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